In note, Leo Welsh Divulges Friendship with Bill Kelly

Tom, I happy to report that I'm alive and well and enduring the summer heat here in Austin,Tx.   Bill Kelly and I correspond with each other from time to time and I even get to visit him in person in NYC once in a while.  I'm glad to say that in addition to working on real estate auctions for the auction business which is very busy these days, I'll be teaching Managerial Accounting to sophomores in the University of Texas Mc Combs School of Business this coming year.  Leo
Leo Welsh
Linda Welsh Auction & Realty Group
Office 512-263-1030
Cell 512-657-7350
Fax 512-892-3609

Ken Beirne note Aug. 7, 2007- recovering from heart problem

Hi Tom,

Don’t know if it made the class notes or the blog, or if we were even able to get you info, but I had open heart surgery on May 31 to replace my aortic valve (good news was my arteries were clean, so no bypasses needed), then got a pacemaker on June 7, and had a pericardial window to get rid of some fluid on June 13 (nicely spaced, don’t you think – kept me in the hospital for over two weeks.  It will, I am sure, come as a surprise to many that there was a heart in there to repair, but then they will probably be happy to point out it was defective.  So I am now semi-bionic.  Things are going quite well in the recovery.  Still not allowed to lift anything over 5 pounds or so, but otherwise I am pretty much doing my normal stuff, and back to walking a mile or more a day.

 We are planning, tentatively, to make the reunion next year.

 Hope all is well with you and Nancy.  How do you like apartment life/  Did we tell you that we have moved to an apartment in Arlington, overlooking the Capitol?  Have to keep the bastards under constant surveillance.  Anyway, we love it, and are happily planning trips(Ireland in October) with the knowledge we can just lock up and not worry about things.
