John Brady and Kathleen received an email from John Phillips about the death of Bill Betz, friend and former housemate.
John sent this memory of Bill: Attached is photo of Bill from Nov 1980. He was still in the Air Force, stationed at Carswell AFB in Ft Worth, at that time. I don’t know much about his career after that. Bill and I had taken the AF entrance exam together in South Bend in senior year. The writing was on the wall for both of us and we had decided that life in the AF would probably be cleaner and more civilized than life in the Army. He started active duty a little behind me – OCS at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, then UPT pilot training at Laredo AFB. I don’t know all his service details, but I do know he was a really fine B-52 pilot/commander during and after the Vietnam conflict, including 2 six month TDY combat tours flying out of Guam. After Vietnam I believe he was stationed at Otis AFB for a while and then came to Carswell AFB. Unfortunately we lost contact with each other about 1982/83, so I was really glad when Rick Gutowski arranged a zoom call for the Meade Street roommates in January this year. Bill had a full beard, but under it was the same Bill from the picture in 1980.
Richard Salvatore Calone was born in Napa, CA June 22, 1946 to Salvatore and Elaine Calone. He passed away peacefully on May 21, 2021 in Stockton, CA.
Dave Zell wrote: “On May 21, Richard Calone died after a lengthy illness. He was my roommate for 4 years and a fellow ROTC cadet. After graduation he attended Santa Clara Law School and became the premier tax attorney in the Stockton, California area. The funeral Mass is to be on June 22 at the Cathedral in Stockton. He was a good friend and although we were separated by a thousand miles or so, I miss him.”
Richard’s youth was spent in Pittsburg, CA and upon graduating High School, he went on to attend the University of Norte Dame where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. Rich continued his education and went on to earn his Juris Doctorate from Santa Clara School of Law and a Master’s Degree in Taxation from Golden Gate University. He was also a Certified Specialist in Taxation in the state of California and worked as an attorney for the IRS before launching his own law firm, Richard S. Calone, Inc. in 1989. During his continued education, Rich was involved in ROTC and served in the Army Reserves as a Tank Captain. He was an avid bird hunter, enjoyed trap and skeet shooting, loved the San Francisco Giants, good food and absolutely CHERISHED the time he spent with his family and friends. He loved life and all its challenges, and will be deeply missed by those who knew and loved him. Rich is survived by his loving wife Sharon, daughters, Heather Coldani (Troy), Charise DeCoito (Daniel), son Salvatore Calone, step sons, Blake and Eric Alley, brother Robert Calone, sister MaryAnn Ingram and his dogs Buddy and Molly and his cat Elvis. Those who knew Rich are invited to a Mass at the Annunciation Cathedral in Stockton on Tuesday, June 22nd at 11 am followed by a Celebration of Life at the Stockton Golf and Country Club from noon to 3 pm. Donations in honor of Rich Calone should be made to Hospice of San Joaquin
A co-worker left this description of Rich: “Rich gave me opportunities that fueled my practice. I will always remember the first time that I met him, with Mike Schmidt, in Turlock and he gave me a chance. When the Irish meet the Trojans, I will think of him. FIGHT ON my friend – FIGHT ON!”
November 22, 1946 – November 4, 2020. John Tilelli, who was a roommate of John Schmelzer, graduated from University of Notre Dame in 1968 and University of Chicago in 1970 with a Masters of Science in Physics. He spent 2 years in the United States Health Service with a rank of Health Service Officer (O-4). He was honorably discharged in 1972. In 1976, he graduated with a Doctor of Medicine from University of Utah. John Tilelli held positions of intern, resident, fellow, and chief resident at University of Minnesota Hospital before moving to Florida. From 1987 to 2016, John Tilelli worked as a Pediatric Intensive Care Physician for Arnold Palmer Hospital.
John Tilelli held board certifications in Pediatrics, Medical Toxicology, Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, and Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Throughout his career, he had over 30 publications and numerous presentations.
John Tilelli is survived by his 6 children, Nicholas, John Jr. Bridget, Maria, Matthew, and Michael.
Among the reflections friends and family posted was this one, left by one of John’s students: “I was a PICU RN when John came to Orlando in 1983. He was such a rare combination of pure genius, kindness, and compassion. On Monday mornings when he took over as PICU attending, everyone would bring a chair as his evaluation and plan for each patient was comprehensive and thorough. He was never boring and never bored. Is there another person who had as many board certifications as JT had?! Once we had a baffling and very rare case come in, but JT had the diagnosis immediately. When I queried him on where to find information on it, he gave me the name and author of the book which I found in the medical library. In the 4 inch thick volume, the only mention of the illness was in a mere 6 lines. I was in awe of the man, his interests, wisdom and knowledge. I hope the Buddhists are right and JT gets to come back again. The world needs him.”
Many classmates have asked how to honor Joe Kernan – POW, former Mayor of South Bend, Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Indiana and most important, part of the ND Great ’68. To that end, we have made arrangements for a tree and bench to be dedicated in Joe’s honor, that will be located adjacent to each other outside the Matthew and Joyce Walsh Family Hall of Architecture. That way, both are facing the stadium, which was hallowed ground for Joe.
In the spirit of brotherhood and camaraderie that have so long distinguished the Great ’68, we are writing to ask that you all join us in making a contribution to fund this tribute to Joe of either $250, $100, or a funding of your choosing. The amounts were decided to get as many classmates as possible to participate. Total cost of bench and tree is $25,000.
The easiest way to donate is online, via this website that Notre Dame has set up just for this effort: As you can see, this website has pre-selected the allocation for this donation in Joe’s memory, and offers two suggested contribution amounts.
For those who would prefer to donate by check, please make the check out to “University of Notre Dame” and include a notation to designate the gift to “Hon. Joseph E. Kernan Memorial Fund.” Please mail checks to: 1100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556. You can also donate by phone by calling (574) 631-5150 and advising that you would like to make a gift to the Joe Kernan Memorial Fund for the Class of ’68.
Any funds raised in excess of the amount for the tree and bench dedication will be designated for the Veteran’s Fund at Notre Dame, which supports the Office of Military and Veteran’s Affairs. This was a designation for gifts to Notre Dame that Maggie Kernan made at the time of Joe’s passing, and we know any contributions made to this effort will also be a fitting way to honor him.
The dedication of the bench and tree will be the Saturday morning of the ND-North Carolina football game October 30th. Events will be held at our classmate’s (Matt/Joyce) Walsh Architectural building. Thank you all in advance for joining us in this effort, and as always, Go Irish!
Tom Weyer – President for Life of the Great ’68 Steve Anderson Fred Ferli Rocky Bleier Tom Figel Gene Cavanaugh Chris Murphy Tom Cuggino Jim O’Rourke Joe Dietz Skip Strzelecki Bryan Dunigan Matt Walsh Tom Durkin
Gene Cavanaugh, Bryan Dunigan and others have done a fine job of circulating the link to the online Monday, May 31, 2021 remembrance of fallen who include our classmates Bruce Heskett (from Spokane, WA) and Mike McCormick (from Honolulu, Hawaii).
John O’Connor sent a terrific story about Mike Cerre, the ND ’69 veteran who will host the program. Read that note below.
When you use the link, be sure to find and use the link to the biographies of the Notre Dame fallen.
To join other alums, a “Premier” Showing”of the video will be held on Memorial Day (Monday May 31st) at 6:30PM EDT on both the NDAA Facebook page and the NDSA Facebook page. To watch the Premier Showing, go to: ND Senior Alumni Memorial Day Remembrance and select the “get reminder” button or tune in Monday night at 6:30pm EDT.
To view at your leisure, the video is available on the NDSA YouTube channel. You can also view the trailer here.
Alumni Participating in the Video
Capt. Richard Morrissey ’62 remembered by Denis Retoske ’61
Capt. Joseph Adrian ’64 remembered by John Gillan ’64
Maj. James Egan ’64 remembered by John Lalli ’64
1Lt. Robert Stork ’64 remembered by John Rahiya ’66
1Lt. Kevin Burke ’67 remembered by Dennis McCarthy ’67
1Lt. Bruce Heskett ’68 remembered by Bob Noonan ’68
Lt. Michael McCormick ’68 remembered by Tom Gibbs ’68
Forty-one ND alumni and students were killed in action during the Vietnam War. You can read their bios and those twenty-six others who died of non-combat incidents here. Editor’s Note – Apologies for not including this info at the time of the original newsletter on May 24th.
John O’Connor’s story of Mike Cerre:
Mike Cerre, 69, is a good friend out here. Was a great friend of Duke Heskett and Rabbit Noonan.
Funny story. Mike gets shot up in Vietnam after getting sent there for the crime of testifying in support of a Marine officer friend claiming conscientious objector status. Ok, so far, not funny.
They shipped him to the hospital in Bethesda to rehab...a lot of metal in his legs. He was going stir crazy, so Bob Whitmore and he cooked up a scheme to get Mike to Georgetown bars. Bob would leave civvy clothes in a sandtrap
on the adjacent golf course. Mike would sneak out and low crawl to the sandtrap to avoid detection, change into regular clothes and meet up with Bob
for pub crawling.
The staff continually asked Mike why there were grass stains on his gown. He said he was puzzled also.
Hard to keep the ND boys down!
Thanks to those who put together this tribute to the fallen.
When can we gather for a reunion? The frequency of the question shows how we long for the Great 68’s default state: full herd impunity, no Zoom link needed. Among irons in the fire is a plan from Fred Ferlic: if we meet during a weekend without a home game, there may be hotel advantages as well as access to some campus facilities. Pay attention to our blog,, where notice will appear when Class President Tom Weyer can give us the official word.
The need to remember and mourn five classmates reinforces the wish to see one another. The obituaries on the blog attest to men whose lives were reflective of Notre Dame ideals. Close to these friends? Please honor them by posting memories and thoughts on the class blog. For example, Michael A. Habing of Indianapolis, who died December 9, 2020, was a member of Notre Dame’s rugby team.
Michael A. Habing
Paul Bekavec of Clairton, PA, who was Tom Weyer‘s Keenan Hall roommate and a popular dorm barber who had learned his technique while working at the family funeral home he soon inherited, died February 4, 2021: Ed Lewis remembers that haircut clients had to lie in a horizontal position for the trims.
Paul Bekavec
Stephen R. Cooke, Sr., holder of a Ph.D. in chemistry, died March 20, 2021 in Honeoye, NY; a note in his obituary is telling: “Due to Covid, the family will have a private ceremony, and those who knew him know Steve wouldn’t want the fuss anyway.”
Stephen R. Cooke, Sr.
University of Florida Professor Edward T. Dugan died January 24, 2021; read the recollections of former students and colleagues.
Ed Dugan, center, with two colleagues
Charles J. Simons, Jr. died February 9, 2021 in Somerset, NJ. When Charles, known as Skip, took early retirement from Smith Barney because of his MS illness, he volunteered with a local food bank, a senior center and parish groups.
Charles J. “Skip” Simons
Dan Collins has added to the class literature trove with his novel Future Victories, available on Amazon. The well-organized tale begins with discovery of documents that suggest, no matter the disintegration of the USSR, nuclear weapons await detonation in US cities. To the delight of Dan and other Keenan Hall classmates who meet on Zoom, Professor Charlie Stevenson, now retired in Australia, wrote War Stories, his memory of an unlikely three years of Army service in Germany. Gerry Moore‘s stationing at the same post almost overlapped with Charlie’s. In mid-April the Keenan group was exchanging thoughts about a subject Charlie introduced: the way Australia and the US regulate firearms. Len Niessen is one of the teammates who have published a collection of essays titled “God, Country, Notre Dame . . . and Lacrosse”. (Lulu Press) The writers are lacrosse teammates who went on to serve in the US military and Peace Corps: Marty Stoehr, Tom Kingston, Rich DiLorenzo, Bob Noonan, Len Niessen, Jerry Kammer ’71 and Dave Jurusik ’73.
Greg Strick‘s photos and memory of an artifact from the 1966 Michigan State game have been posted on the blog. The same game was the subject of a Tom Dorsel column written for a community newspaper in Hilton Head: Jay Schwartz‘s blog One More Thing. . . keeps the pot stirred with reflections on subjects ranging from an imperiled French rooster to the renaming of San Francisco schools. Naples, FL winter residents Bob Brady, Jeff Keyes and Meg, Will Dunfey and Joan arranged for Pat Collins to discuss his book Newsman with that book group and guests Dennis Gallagher, Dennis Reeder and Elise, Tom Weyer, Tom Figel and Nancy.
Mark Kush and Marti, grandparents of 15, have met and hugged their first grandchild Sienna, tantalizingly nearby before vaccinations arrived.
Mark Kush with great granddaughter Sienna
On the other hand, the celebration of Rich and Neil Roger‘s January birthday was a Zoom event for the Eagle Lake crew (those who shared a senior year residence there): Mike Trombetta (whose daughter will be ND ’21), Bob Santaloci,Brian McManus, Dave Graves, Pat Furey, Mike Carroll,Pat DeMare, Mike Ryan, and John Murtagh, a Rogers cousin from ‘70.
Steve Grace manages real estate interests in Florida and Manhattan from his Palm Beach, FL residence. Steve keeps in contact with Ed Haggar , Paul Dunne,Ken Collins, Bill Sweetman, and Dave Boehnen. They miss Tom Roach, who died in Fall, 2020.
Despite the joy of living in Ft. Worth, TX near his son’s alma mater TCU, Fran Mentone laments that his previous AZ handicap has ballooned from six to 11. For some reason, he wants to have a ‘friendly game” with Mike Heaton and Bill Cvengross ‘70. Longtime Texan Leo Welsh may be too busy helping California emigrants with their housing purchases. Says Leo: “My nextdoor Stamford neighbor, Larry Gruber, had a giant Texas flag on his wall. Being from western New York, I didn’t even know what the NY flag looked like. Having lived in Texas 22 years, now I understand the Texas thang.”
In San Francisco, Forrest Hainline has bounced out of his short retirement and is now Senior Counsel with law firm Braun Hagey & Borden. From the San Diego area, Mike Burgener wrote of imminent family additions. “Number two son Beau Jackson and his wife are expecting in August as son number three and his wife will be expecting a son hopefully named Wyatt in July. So four sons for right now to carry on the Burgener legacy. Other than that not too much is happening although 29 April I will be getting my second new replacement and I’m looking forward to that. I know the rehab will be tough but I’m in really good shape and still strong as I was at Notre Dame. Well maybe not as strong but at least I’m fit for 75-year-old.”
Winter life was good for John Walsh and Dia, who spent months in New Orleans, including Easter with John Flemming and Zoli Perry. For his part, Bryan Dunigan could email: “Tom Gibbs and I have just returned with Joyce and Matt Walsh from Jumby Bay Island, Antigua.”
COOKE STEPHEN R., SR. Of Honeoye Falls, NY died peacefully on March 20, 2021 at the age of 74. Steve was born June 19, 1946 and grew up in Philadelphia, PA. He graduated from University of Notre Dame in 1968 and earned a Master’s degree in chemistry from Villanova University in 1972. Steve later earned a PhD in chemistry from Temple University in 1996. Steve worked with his father in the family business, Cooke Laboratories in Philadelphia for many years before re-locating to the Rochester area in 1997. Steve recently retired from Sabin Metal Corp. in Scottsville, NY where he worked as a chemist. Steve married his devoted wife Janine (Furphy) on July 18, 1980 in Philadelphia. Steve was an avid reader, enjoyed learning and loved nature and animals. He was an incredible father to his son, Stephen, who was the light of his life. Steve is preceded in death by his parents, Alfred Joseph Cooke, Sr., and Helen A. Cooke. In addition to his loving wife and adored son, Steve leaves behind his brother Alfred Joseph Cooke, Jr., (Marcia) of Lancaster, PA and their children, his nephews and niece, Alfred Joseph Cooke III (Mary Ann), Anthony M. Cooke (Susan), Christopher C. Cooke (Meredith) and Hilary N. Cooke, along with many other brothers and sisters-in-law and nieces and nephews. Due to Covid, the family will have a private ceremony, and those who knew him know Steve wouldn’t want the fuss anyway. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the American Heart Association.
Joe Hale: The following story that Stephen told me might get a few chuckles out of our class members so I am submitting this story as a possible inclusion in our class notes. When Stephen was a senior he got pulled over by a Pennsylvania state trooper for speeding on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. (I observed that Stephen was not afraid to drive with a heavy foot on the gas pedal.) It was in western Pennsylvania, and the trooper learned that Stephen was a ND student. The trooper proceeded to discuss for several minutes ND football players who hailed from western Pennsylvania (Terry Hanratty and others no doubt.) Stephen was thinking to himself that it looked promising and that he could possibly enjoy some leniency. Unfortunately the trooper said it was “Time to get down to business” or words to that effect. End result: Stephen’s speeding ticket meant that he could enrich the coffers of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (I hope I didn’t snicker when Stephen told several of us this tale at -I think – the pay caf. Hopefully I acted in a civil manner as Stephen was matter-of-fact in telling this story; I don’t recall him thinking it was very amusing.)
Joe Hale: So sorry about Stephen Cooke as I enjoyed many a supper with him (plus Bob Spadaro and others) in the pay caf. While in Philly en route to West Germany I spoke with Stephen’s mother and got his mailing address as he was in Army training (Reservist doing his basic training or AIT.) But I never saw Cooke after graduation. If you know any details about Stephen’s demise….. Such a nice guy with a soft voice – quiet by nature but a good student. I am including Bill Weiler via cc as you can see; Bill knew Stephen from freshman year forward.
Charles J. “Skip” Simons, Jr. of Somerset, passed away on Tuesday, February 9 at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick. He was 74.
Skip was born in Miami Beach, FL and raised in Miami. He graduated from University of Notre Dame in 1968 and was a life-long, passionate fan of its football and basketball programs. After receiving his MBA from University of Florida in Gainesville, Skip began working as an investment banker at Smith Barney in New York City. His career was put on hold to serve with the US Army Artillery, stationed at Fort Sill in Lawton, OK, from 1969 to 1971. After leaving the Army in 1971, Skip moved to Somerset and returned to Smith Barney, where he spent the next 20 years working in the New York and Tokyo offices, before taking early retirement in 1990 due to the challenges of Multiple Sclerosis.
Always ready with an array of oft-told stories, Skip volunteered at the Franklin Township Food Bank, enjoyed meeting new people at the Quailbrook Senior Center, always made time to watch Notre Dame and New York Giants football, and loved hosting a good meal with family and friends. He was a parishioner most recently of St. Peter the Apostle RC Church in New Brunswick.
Skip was predeceased by his mother, Mary Feuger Simons, in 2009.
Surviving are his wife of almost 53 years, Joan; daughter and son-in-law, Stephanie and David Neal of Fanwood; son and daughter-in-law, Colin and Demi Simons of Shelburne, VT; and daughter Sarah and partner Patrick Bakaj of Newport, RI; father, Charles J. Simons, Sr. of Islamorada, FL; brother, James Simons of Hartland, VT; sister and brother-in-law Susan Simons Slovich and Michael Slovich of Islamorada, FL and Novelty, OH; and grandchildren, Teddi, Connor and Tyler of Shelburne, VT.
Private cremation services have been arranged under the direction of Gleason Funeral Home in Somerset. A memorial mass and celebration of Skip’s life will be held later in the year.
In lieu of flowers, donations in Skip’s loving memory can be made to the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, where he was a long-time subscriber, or the Franklin Township (Somerset) Food Bank
Paul E. Bekavac, age 74, of Gibsonia and Key West, FL, and formerly of Clairton, passed away on Thursday, February 4, 2021 at home. He was a retired funeral director and owner of the Paul E. Bekavac Funeral Home in Elizabeth. He attended the University of Notre Dame until his father’s untimely death in 1965, and furthered his education at Duquesne University and the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science. Upon his retirement in 2004, he relocated to Key West to follow his life long love of fishing. Born March 1, 1946 in Pittsburgh, he was a son of the late Anthony J. and Elvira Y. “Patty” (Yavor) Bekavac. He is survived by his partner and best friend, Teri Dulac of Gibsonia; daughter, Heather (Michael) Lutz of Pleasant Hills; sons, Tony (Rachel) Bekavac of Pleasant Hills and Paul E. Bekavac, Jr. of New York, NY; grandchildren, Cole, Preston and Ava Lutz and Anthony & Andre Bekavac; sister, Nancy Y. Bekavac of Washington, DC; brother, Daniel F. (Patti) Bekavac of Elizabeth Twp.; nephew, Daniel F. (Tara Jayant) Bekavac, Jr. of South Park; niece, Chloe (Jason) Fox of Damascus, MD; also, great-nephews and cousins. Friends will be received in the Paul E. Bekavac Funeral Home, Elizabeth, on Monday, February 8, 2021 from 1-4 and 6-8 PM. In order to comply with Covid-19 restrictions, guests are required to wear masks and follow CDC social distancing guidelines. Although we are thankful and appreciative of all who will come, we ask for these services, with the pandemic and our need to take care of our own family, that visitors limit themselves to a reasonable time. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 10 AM in St. Joachim & Anne Parish, St. Michael Church with Rev. Thomas A. Wagner officiating. EVERYONE PLEASE MEET AT THE CHURCH. Burial to follow in Round Hill Cemetery, Elizabeth Twp. Memorial contributions may be made in Paul’s name to Gateway Rehabilitation, 100 Moffett Run Road, Aliquippa, PA 15001.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Paul E. Bekavac, please visit our floral store.
Memories of Notre Dame friends:
Tom Weyer: Some sad news, my roommate from freshman year in Keenan Hall, Paul Becavac from Clairton Pa, passed away this morning following a long battle with pancreatic cancer.Many of you won’t remember Paul because he left after freshman year, following the death of his Dad,Tony. He went home and ran the family business at 19. He did it well, growing the business dramatically. His younger brother Dan attended ND and ND law school. Paul always Remembered Keenan Hall..and the Chicago Guys… He said that freshman year was the best year of his life….I never had the heart to tell him ..It got “much better”. He was a fighter…he will be missed…
Ed Lewis: I was sad to hear we lost another of our classmates which Paul definitely was. When we lose someone it is important to remember happier days.. I hope everyone who had the good fortune to know Paul remembers how Paul used to give haircuts. Paul with a sly smile would have shaggy customers lie down on his bed for a good haircut because he explained he learned to cut hair at the family funeral home and all of those dead customers were laying down! Paul,Rest In Peace. Everyone stay safe,
Dennis Withers: What a great story / memory. How could anyone forget such a tale – and, it was probably true. But, if it was not true, don’t tell me.
Rick McPartlin: Great story Ed! I hope Paul did not have his tape measure at the same time.
Joe Hale: Paul (who roomed with Tom Weyer as you probably know) was on the first floor of Keenan, and he stopped by my room to say good bye to “Arkansas” at the end of the second semester as he cut my hair throughout freshman year (for ROTC purposes.) He was such a good fellow, and I remember our Keenan rector Father Michael Heppen (who as you know died within the last couple of years after an extended battle with cancer) saying a funeral Mass in the honor of Paul’s father. Paul’s father died during our first semester so Paul had to return to Clairton to run the funeral home business. Father Heppen met Paul’s father and at the funeral remarked at how he was a fine man.
Click the link and you will reach the remembrances of many students and colleagues, all touched by our classmate’s intelligence and concern.Professor Ed Dugan with colleagues
Edward Thomas Dugan, age 74, of Gainesville, died peacefully on Sunday, January 24, at North Florida Regional Medical Center. He was dearly loved and immensely respected by family, friends and professional colleagues. Edward is survived by his wife, Kathy; their daughter, Rosanna; his mother, Marie Dugan; his sister, Kathy Simkins and numerous nieces and nephews. Edward was preceded in death by his daughter, Ellenmarie Dugan, and his father, Edward Joseph Dugan. Edward (Ed) was born on June 10, 1946, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to Edward and Marie Dugan, and began his college education at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. Ed served with the United States Army in Vietnam from 1972-1973. Edward married his beloved Kathy on December 30, 1979 at the Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Verona, New Jersey. Edward graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. He moved to Gainesville where he attained a Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering Sciences in 1972. He earned a PhD in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Florida in 1976. Dr. Dugan joined the UF faculty of Nuclear Engineering in 1977 where he first began his illustrious academic career and joined a research group specializing in nuclear reactor kinetics. During his tenure at UF, Dr. Dugan participated in a series of funded research projects with national and international significance, including advanced reactor analysis, nuclear power plant dynamics and control, space nuclear power and propulsion, radiation transport and backscatter x-ray imaging. He was a well published author and co-author with numerous patents. Dr. Dugan’s distinguished teaching career was also consistently recognized by students and faculty. Professor Ed Dugan was a superb teacher and was frequently awarded the professor of the year award, as nominated by his students. Moreover, his dedication to and rapport with two generations of students has had a lasting impact on the graduates and his fellow faculty members. The Edward T. Dugan American Nuclear Society Professional Excellence Award was established at the University of Florida in 2019 to honor Dr. Edward Dugan, then a professor emeritus at UF. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that memorial gifts be made in Ed’s honor to the “Edward T. Dugan American Nuclear Society Professional Excellence Award’ Fund at the University of Florida. This fund was created by Nuclear Engineering students at the University of Florida to honor Ed’s unwavering commitment to students and their development both professionally and personally. The fund will be used to support professional development activities for outstanding student members of the American Nuclear Society, to heighten national recognition and the stature of the University’s nuclear engineering student programs. Ed’s lasting impact on students is embodied through students who receive the Edward T. Dugan American Nuclear Society Award. To contribute to the fund or for more information, please visit Please visit his memorial page at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WILLIAMS-THOMAS WESTAREA 352-376-7556